Post-pandemic (mostly) and squarely in the middle of the craziness that is our current world, I am pleased to be “Recalling Past Joy.” It’s time to remember what we love, what brings us joy, or as a stranger at a party recently asked me, what “enlivens” us. I had plans to focus on the white pine trees that I’ve become obsessed with at my family’s Wisconsin lake home, but instead the universe threw a wrench in my plans. I developed a tendon issue in my dominant hand before I could begin. Determined, I switched to my non-dominant left hand, and went back to some of the art techniques I developed years ago as a new artist, using handmade tree stencils. This helped me become more comfortable using that hand.
All of the pieces in this show are newmade with my left hand, using colors and techniques that “enliven” me. In addition to the stencil work, I was pleased to be able to create a couple of white pine paintings that reflect the spaciousness of those tall inspiring trees against the sky, which fills me with joy. A new obsession is with the way tamarack trees look in the fall, bright yellow as if lit from within. I hope this show helps you think about the past joys in your life, and recall them fondly.
Laura DuFrane Murphy

Turn,   acrylic, ink, paper on canvas
Turn, acrylic, ink, paper on canvas
White Pine Sky, acrylic on canvas
White Pine Sky, acrylic on canvas
Abundance, print on paper
Abundance, print on paper
Forest Light, acrylic on canvas
Forest Light, acrylic on canvas
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